Designer, photographer, PicTrax app founder, lover of good coffee and real experiences
Accessible tourism is the provision of services and facilities that are accessible to people with personal circumstances that impact their ability to, and enjoyment of travel destinations, such as mobility, vision or hearing impairments, psychological traits such as Autism and HSP, and physical conditions such as IBS or incontinence. The aim is to create an environment that is inclusive and welcoming to all individuals. In recent years, there has been an increasing awareness of the importance of accessible tourism, particularly for people with disabilities, but also for parents of young children, the elderly and varying fitness levels.
Tourism is an important industry for many regions, particularly in developing countries. It provides employment opportunities and generates revenue for local businesses. However, people with disabilities often face barriers when it comes to participating in tourism activities. For example, many tourist attractions are not accessible to people with mobility impairments, offer an uncomfortable experience for people with hearing or vision imapirments or medical concerns. Also accommodation options may not have the necessary facilities to accommodate guests with disabilities.
PicTrax offers users the ability to assign an accessibility level when uploading a destination image to the app. Users may also include detailed descriptions, and hashtags that are searchable by those with concerns over accessibility.
It is important to recognise the needs of people with disabilities in tourism and providing searchable information about site accessibility, availability of appropriate transportation and accommodation, and the experience one with an impairment may have when they arrive. The variety of conditions that affect a person’s ability to enjoy a destination is quite broad, so the term ‘accessible’ cannot be applied indiscriminately. A vision-impaired person may be able to hear / touch, and experience something magical, that may not be accessible (for instance at the top of convict-built stairs) by a mobility-impaired person.
Alternatively, a mobility-impaired person will be very interested to know that the destination they would like to visit is at the end of a slippery cliff climb, that could be quite easily accessed by a hearing-impaired person.
In regional and remote areas, the challenges of accessible tourism are substantial. These areas may not have the same level of infrastructure and services as urban areas, making it more difficult for people with disabilities to access tourism activities.
To address these challenges, it is important to help people find destinations with infrastructure and services that are accessible to people with disabilities. This can be as simple as tagging a destination that has a long, seaside concrete path with #wheelchairs #strollers #accessible or tagging a rest stop with an incredible cacophony of bird calls as #visionimpaired #birdcalls #listen.
PicTrax aims to create an environment that is inclusive and welcoming to all individuals, regardless of their physical abilities. To achieve this, it is important to recognise the needs of people with disabilities in tourism, and to be mindful when hashtagging and writing descriptions for destinations, so that they may be found by those with impairments and their carers, and experienced by those who might otherwise never have found them.
If you know of some great destinations that would be accessible by mobility, vision, hearing impaired or neurodivergent people, please share them on PicTrax, and share the love…
Happy travels!
Here you’ll find the answers to several frequently asked questions, designed to help you learn more about PicTrax and how to get the most from it. This section will grow as more questions are added, so if you don’t see an answer to a question you have, ask us in in our contact form at the bottom of this page and we will do our best to answer you.
Upload images to PicTrax from your mobile device:
1/ Tap on the ‘upload’ icon (plus button). You will find this button in the centre of the bottom navigation bar. PicTrax should open your mobile phone or tablet’s gallery.
NOTE: PicTrax may open your phone’s file structure. If that occurs, simply navigate to your device’s image gallery and album or sub folder.
2/ Tap on the image you wish to upload.
NOTE: We suggest ‘favouriting’ or ‘liking’ images in your gallery or saving to a specific folder for easy location. This helps save time later.
3/ If the selected image contains GPS metadata, the image will automatically be pinned to the capture location. If the GPS metadata is missing or incorrect, you can search for a landmark close to the capture location, and navigate to where you were standing by standard pinch zoom control. When the capture location has been found, tap the map to pin the location.
4/ Fill in the required info fields, or you may choose to change the image.
5/ When the upload form is complete, hit ‘Save’ and your image will be uploaded to the private or public location as chosen.
NOTE: Navigating away from this window during the upload process may cause the upload to break.
6/ You will then be taken to your image’s ‘detail view’ where you may check the image, mapped location and info for accuracy, edit the information, make public (or private) or delete the image, or leave it as is.
Make money from PicTrax in three easy steps:
When your credits reach (AUD)$20 you can cash it in from the redeem your earnings page.
What can you do to increase your earnings further?
Encourage friends and family to follow you in PicTrax and like your pix. Each time a unique user likes one of your pix, your earnings grow. During promo events, the Like Action Value will increase. It will be particularly beneficial to gain as many likes as you can during bonus promo events!
Absolutely not! At PicTrax, we are ‘Team You’. The platform was built to assist people in the following ways;
PicTrax has no interest in claiming ownership of user uploaded images, however one or more user images may be seen in on screen video and screenshots taken for promotional purposes.
At PicTrax, we have taken steps to protect your rights by:
If you would like to crop, enhance or otherwise edit an image prior to uploading to PicTrax, it is worth noting that some image editing apps will erase the GPS metadata.
We consistently use Snapseed for image enhancement prior to upload as this app retains the GPS metadata AND saves enhanced pix to a created Snapseed gallery folder/album, which allows for easy retrieval in the upload process.
There may be many other image editing apps that retain GPS metadata – please test on one image before committing to any specific image editing app.
Your personal information will not be retained by PicTrax so therefore it cannot be sold to a third party.
PicTrax does serve advertising. In some instances the advertising platform may match your device ID and match it with ad content that it considers relevant to your profile in their existing records.
PicTrax may use your email address to;
PicTrax may also use your email address to;
You will of course be able to unsubscribe from these emails.
If you are attempting to upload content in a low or intermittent data environment, the upload may break, showing a partial upload. If this occurs, please delete the image and try again at a later date, in a stronger data environment.
If the uploading device is disrupted through; going into ‘sleep mode’, moving away from the upload screen during upload, accepting a call during upload, the image may fail to upload correctly.
If this does occur, please open the image to detail view and use the elipsis menu in the top right of the image pane to delete the image, and attempt upload at another time.
Yes, in both iOS and Android devices, you will have the ability to apply a ‘heart’ to, or ‘favourite’ an image.
This will place the image in a ‘favourites’ folder which will be much easier to access than scrolling through years’ of photos to find the one you wish to upload.
Using the Snapseed app to enhance your images is a great way to separate your enhanced pix from the rest as Snapseed can save the enhanced pix to a Snapseed folder or album.
Manually moving images to a new folder for upload is another way to separate the images you wish to upload to PicTrax.
Many professional photographers have beautiful images they may wish to share on the PicTrax app.
In order to upload these images to PicTrax, the user must be able to get the images onto their mobile phone or tablet. Here are a few methods we can endorse:
Google Drive and or Dropbox: Upload images to Google Drive or Dropbox from your desktop and download to your phone’s gallery using the Google Drive or Dropbox app.
Direct connection: Connect your phone to your computer via USB or Bluetooth and transfer files to your device’s image gallery files.
Digital SLR WiFi: Many modern cameras, such as Canon, have apps that allow WiFi connection to the camera for remote camera control and image transfer. Check to see if such a method exists for your Digital SLR camera make and model.
Note: We advise saving images to a new folder/album created to receive these images or it may be difficult to locate them within your phone’s image collection.
Users may only delete any images that they themselves have uploaded.
You will find all images you have uploaded in your profile page. Your images can also be found in the main view by filtering on ‘my pix’. Pics that have been uploaded by the logged in user will be distinguishable by a small white dot in the bottom right of the thumbnail.
To delete any of your images, open any ‘owned’ image to ‘detail view’. To access detail view, tap on any image thumbnail in your profile’s ‘All’, ‘Public’ or ‘Private’ image tabs. Users may delete that image by hitting the on-image vertical ellipses icon (…) and selecting ‘delete’ from the resulting drop down menu. The ellipsis menu will be found in the top right corner of any image uploaded by the logged in user when seen in detail view.
NOTE: This will immediately and permanently delete images from the PicTrax platform and cannot be undone.
Users may make an image public or private at any time after upload, or during the upload process.
You will final all images you have uploaded in your profile page. Your images can also be found in the main view by filtering on ‘my pix’. Pics that have been uploaded by the logged in user will be distinguished by a small white dot in the bottom right of the thumbnail.
To change the public/private status of any of your images, open any ‘owned’ image in ‘detail view’. To access detail view, tap on any image thumbnail in your profile’s ‘All’, ‘Public’ or ‘Private’ image tabs. Tap on the on-image vertical ellipses icon (…) and select the correct status from the resulting drop down menu. The ellipsis menu will be found in the top right corner of any image uploaded by the logged in user when seen in detail view.
NOTE: No further action need be taken – the image will now be accessible in the public or private domain as stipulated.
Save an image to one or more collections from detail view
1/ After tapping the on-map thumbnail of an iamge you want to collect, you will be taken to ‘detail view’.
2/ Tap on the ‘collect’ (bookmark) icon in the under-image tool bar.
3/ Name your collection or select and existing collection and hit ‘done’. You have now added the image to your collection.
You can edit your profile details by hitting the settings ‘gear’ icon. This icon can be found in the top right corner of your profile page.
Here you can:
NOTE: Changing username may not be permitted if the username has been taken by another user.
Your image’s GPS meta data may be incorrect due to a number of factors such as;
NOTE: PicTrax advises users to routinely check their images info to make sure the image placement is accurate while in the field to ensure images captured will be placed correctly when uploading to PicTrax.
If your image is not automatically pinned on the the map on upload , it generally means your image’s GPS meta data may be missing or the uploading device’s privacy settings may prevent pinning. This can happen due to a number of factors such as;
Inappropriate content
If your image was reported for inappropriate content, your image will be reviewed by PicTrax admin staff and either removed from the platform if the image fails to meet PicTrax’s acceptable publishing standards, or made private, if deemed to be inappropriate for public viewing.
NOTE: No user action is required and no correspondence will be entered into after PicTrax admin action has been taken.
Breach of copyright
If your image was reported for breach of copyright, PicTrax admin staff will investigate the matter.
NOTE: To protect users from ‘internet trolls’, repeated and unfounded reporting may result in the reporting user’s account being deleted.
NOTE: PicTrax admin staff may contact both the user and the reporter to determine the most likely image copyright ownership status. Once PicTrax – through any investigative method deemed appropriate or necessary within Australian law – has determined the most likely owner, the image in question will be removed from the non-owner’s account and no further correspondence will be entered into.
Inaccurate location
If your image was reported for inaccurate location, your image may be made private to ensure other PicTrax users are not directed to wrong locations.
NOTE: No user action is required and no correspondence will be entered into after PicTrax admin action has been taken.
NOTE: No user action is required and no correspondence will be entered into after PicTrax admin action has been taken.
Poor quality or composition
If your image was reported for poor quality or composition, your image may be made private so that you may continue to enjoy your image while maintaining an enjoyable in-app experience for other PicTrax users.
NOTE: No user action is required and no correspondence will be entered into after PicTrax admin action has been taken.
NOTE: PicTrax users, through the acceptance of PicTrax Terms of Service, have agreed to abide by PicTrax acceptable use parameters and multiple breaches or numerous nuisance reporting as well as multiple breaches of PicTrax usage guidelines may see that users’ profile deleted from the platform and potentially banned from PicTrax with no further correspondence being entered into.
PicTrax needs the GPS location data (automatically stored in many digital images taken on mobile phones and or cameras) in order to plot the image on the global map so that others may discover the location for themselves, or so that you can plot your private journeys on a global map.
This is the true purpose of PicTrax and images that are not of destination specific subject matter may be removed from the platform.
What data does PicTrax collect from digital images?
PicTrax will access and use the following info from images you upload to the platform to help other users be able to find the location and replicate the image’s capture conditions. These include:
There are several reasons an image may be removed from PicTrax after upload. These can include;
1/ Lack of copyright
2/ Inappropriate or explicit content
3/ Poor composition
4/ Non destination specific subject matter
Note: This platform differs from Instagram in its destination specific nature. For this reason, uploaded pictures of people, food, animals or objects that are not destination specific and do not add to the travel and photographic exploration experience for other users may be deleted from the platform.